
2022-03-18 Off By 明太子

阿聯酋阿布達比2022年3月17日 /美通社/ — 阿聯酋獵鷹俱樂部 (Emirates Falconers Club) 開始籌備將於9月26日至 10月2日舉辦的阿布達比國際狩獵和馬術展覽會 (ADIHEX 2022),這是中東和非洲地區同類活動中規模最大的一次,確立其在中東和非洲地區的區域和國際地位。上一屆的 ADIHEX 2021,見證來自 44 個國家/地區 680 家公司和品牌參與其中。

Part of the Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX 2021), auctions of falcons, horses, and camels, as well as the most beautiful captive-bred falcons, and Saluki beauty contest (Arabian hunting dogs) are among the most prominent events, in addition to educational and environmental activities and heritage shows.
Part of the Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX 2021), auctions of falcons, horses, and camels, as well as the most beautiful captive-bred falcons, and Saluki beauty contest (Arabian hunting dogs) are among the most prominent events, in addition to educational and environmental activities and heritage shows.

該活動在 2021 年吸引了來自 120 個國家/地區的 105,000 多名參觀者,預計即將舉行的活動會盛況空前。

參展商認為參加 ADIHEX 的主要原因是建立網絡、增加直銷、認識新的代理商和合作夥伴、達成交易、進入新市場、與各行業的專家建立聯繫、提高品牌知名度和推出創新的新產品。

去年,ADIHEX 的參觀者對提供的多元產品和服務感到非常滿意,此外,展會期間還籌辦了 80 多項活動和盛事。

ADIHEX 2021 還舉辦了 120 多場研討會,接待來自世界各地約 90 位演講者和 800 多名官方獵鷹代表以及可持續狩獵協會和機構。

ADIHEX 高級籌委會主席、阿聯酋獵鷹俱樂部秘書長 Majid Ali Al Mansouri 閣下就各酋長殿下對展覽的大力支持,以及當地為促進獵鷹遺產及將其灌輸給全球人民所付出的努力表示衷心感謝和讚賞。


多姿多彩和全面的 ADIHEX 體現在其 11 個不同的領域,即:工藝美術、馬術、獵鷹、狩獵旅遊和野生動物園、狩獵和野營裝備、獵槍、環境和文化遺產的促進和保護、戶外休閒車和設備、獸醫產品和服務、釣魚設備和海上運動以及媒體。

阿聯酋獵鷹俱樂部 |
009712693444/內線 370 | 

Part of the Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX 2021), auctions of falcons, horses, and camels, as well as the most beautiful captive-bred falcons, and Saluki beauty contest (Arabian hunting dogs) are among the most prominent events, in addition to educational and environmental activities and heritage shows.
Part of the Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX 2021), auctions of falcons, horses, and camels, as well as the most beautiful captive-bred falcons, and Saluki beauty contest (Arabian hunting dogs) are among the most prominent events, in addition to educational and environmental activities and heritage shows.